Want to Play Cricket?
We have one team that plays in the ECCL, plus another that plays in the Madrid League. In addition we play friendlies against touring teams.
We are always on the lookout for new players, with or without experience.
Come along and join in, then decide if you want to join the club. Membership fees are low, just 100 euros. We also charge a match fee of 10 euros per game (not including teas).
Discounts available for students and the unemployed.
Membership benefits include:
- Net practice every Sunday morning at the Complutense from 10:30 to 13:30 (except during the season, when nets switch to midweek).
- Use of the club’s facilities and equipment
- Cricket España membership
- Eligibility for the Spanish National League matches (subject to selection)
- Text message/WhatsApp updates on club events
- Discounted hotel rates in La Manga on match weekends
Just send an Email, WhatsApp message or call us on one of the following numbers.
Hablamos español.
Club President |
Jon Woodward |
Tel: 655 069 911 |
jonwoodward1975@gmail.com |
Vice President | Lewis Clark | Tel: 687 524 539 | lclark@genasys.com |